Reception of a Newly Organized Church

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It is the delightful purpose of this service to officially organize, in this community, a body of believers as a part of the ________ Regional Conference of The Bible Methodist Connection of Churches. Today, charter members/lay leaders will be established as a local Bible Methodist Church for worship, edification, discipleship and evangelism.

We have looked forward to this occasion, and pray that our Heavenly Father will superintend these moments with His gracious presence and leadership.

Would the potential members and lay leaders of this body please rise and come to the front?

Covenant questions for reception of members/lay leaders shall be directed to those who have presented themselves (see pp. 167 and 169).

Friends, we rejoice to receive you as members of The Bible Methodist Connection of Churches and the ________ Regional Conference in particular. We are honored by your desire to be one of us and we welcome you into our fellowship. It is our prayer that you will experience our love, affirmation and encouragement as we journey to heaven together. We look forward to the added inspiration that your involvement will bring to Bible Methodism.

May the Great Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, bless you as a congregation and fill you with His Spirit. May the future of this church be the best days under God that you have ever known!

On behalf of the Conference Executive Committee and the ________ Regional Conference at large, I extend to you the right hand of fellowship as a token of our love and appreciation for you.


The Conference President or officiating elder may pray an appropriate prayer.

Reception of Church Transferring into a Regional Conference

It is the delightful purpose of this service to officially transfer, as a body, the voting members of this congregation into the ________ Regional Conference of The Bible Methodist Connection of Churches. We have looked forward ]to this occasion, and pray that our Heavenly Father will make us a mutual blessing, the one to the other.

Would the voting members of this church please rise and come to the front?

As a church body, you have voted to transfer your church affiliation and your individual membership into the ________ Regional Conference of The Bible Methodist Connection of Churches. Do you freely affirm these intentions and will you give yourself, as God shall enable you, to the unity of the body of Christ, the mutual edification of fellow believers, the advancement of holiness and the salvation of the lost? Do you accept the Statement of Faith, church polity, and scriptural principles of holy living as stated in the Bible Methodist Discipline to guide your faith and conduct?

ANSWER: We do, God being our Helper.

Friends, we rejoice to receive you as members and lay leaders of The Bible Methodist Connection of Churches and the ________ Regional Conference in particular. We are honored by your desire to be one of us and we welcome you into our fellowship. It is our prayer that you will experience our love, affirmation and encouragement as we journey to heaven together. We look forward to the added inspiration that your involvement will bring to Bible Methodism.

May the Great Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, bless you as a congregation and fill you with His Spirit. May the future of this church be the best days under God that you have ever known!

On behalf of the Conference Executive Committee and the ________ Regional Conference at large, I extend to you the right hand of fellowship as a token of our love and appreciation for you.

The Conference President or officiating elder may pray an appropriate prayer.