Southwest  Conference Extension 

Mission Statement

 In taking seriously the command of Christ to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, we affirm our mission statement is to:  

  • Assist, equip, and support the work of evangelism and outreach, by overseeing and planting new churches. 

 Purpose Statement

 As the Conference Extension Department, we hereby state our purpose is to fulfill the above mission statement by:  

  • Encouraging and promoting the vision of seeing Conference churches participate in planting sister churches. 
  • Focus our energies in the direction of evangelism, outreach and planting of new churches in the metropolitan areas where the larger communities of people reside.
  • To provide communication throughout the Conference regarding progress, development and needs concerning the newly planted churches.  


 G. Clair Sams 

 Conference Extension Churches

Caldwell, Idaho

DeRidder, Lousiana

Millersburg, Kentucky














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    • Pastor and Mrs. Rick Alexander
    • (757) 947-0079