by editor | Dec 14, 2020 | Personal Interest
by John Parker In our age of “Live” video around the world, we can see firsthand the devastation of natural disasters as they strike, and often feel helpless to alleviate the hurt of those who suffer. There are times when the hurting are close enough...
by editor | Dec 14, 2020 | Personal Interest
by Emily Jones Social Issues. These two little words evoke varied, and usually strong, opinions when discussed on any platform. Some see social issues as simply side discussions while others see them as core to human existence. Significant social issues have...
by Tom Watkins | Mar 8, 2019 | Personal Interest
Pastor Tom Watkins – Pastoring the Bible Methodist Church, Manchester Tennessee My mind calls up images of my Middle Tennessee Holiness Church of the 1950’s. I’ll start with the building. It was a makeshift church, that turned an old beer...
by Dr. Bill Ury | Mar 8, 2019 | Personal Interest
Dr. Bill Ury It was in a country church in central Kentucky forty years ago that I remember truly hearing the fullness of the Gospel. What my parents had taught me through word and deed became crystal clear. I began to comprehend the fullness of God’s...
by Clair Sams | Mar 8, 2019 | Personal Interest, Uncategorized
Holiness G. Clair Sams The Biblical motifs that emphasis holiness are designed by the Lord to show the breadth and depth of His desire to engage in the spiritual transformation of those who respond to the Gospel. If you will, the message of redemption brings much...
by Philip DeLemarter | Dec 20, 2018 | Personal Interest, Uncategorized
Did You Pass By the Altar? Philip DeLemarter After the fifth or sixth day of reading the 46th chapter of Ezekiel, I opened the Bible once again in an attempt to write a devotional based on that chapter. Seemingly, I was getting nowhere. Like previous mornings, my...