Thou Hast A Name

Thou Hast A Name

Article from The Bible Methodist  January - February 1973 “Thou Hast A Name” - Live Up to It By George Vernon - Editor In an interesting and pertinent article which appeared in the Church Herald, Mr. William R. Buitendorp wrote, “No doubt more than once in your...

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When A Church Family Fasts

When A Church Family Fasts

When a Church Family FastsBlake JonesOur Bible Methodist Connection shares the call to an extended fast as the new year begins.  I think it is a wonderful benchmark for every body of believers.  Divine CallGod, who wants to be known, is inviting us into...

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Prayer Challenge

Prayer Challenge

  Prayer ChallengeG. Clair SamsPrayer, like the words of the Prophets are sometimes expressions of the poetic and emotional aspect of life.   Prayer is not initially an avenue for social reform or an influence for changing culture.  It is first and...

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Birthing a New Conference

Birthing a New Conference

by Darrell Lee Stetler   When representatives from the Mid-America Conference stepped onto the platform at the 2018 General Conference and accepted the vote that created a new conference, it was the culmination of a journey of decades.   While the Alabama...

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Your Church Needs an Online Presence

Your Church Needs an Online Presence

Today, more than ever, people find their information online. For many churches, reaching an online audience can seem overwhelming and expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are two reasons why your church needs to invest in a website and social media presence. YOU...

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Resources and Media

Resources and Media

Resources Available to Pastors and Churches Discipleship: Nathan Brown “Creating a culture of disciple makers” The mission of COMEAFTERME.COM is to assist the church in carrying out Christ’s command to go and make disciples. The lessons in the Following Christ booklet...

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The Power of the Web

The Power of the Web

Life is made up of incredible webs. I recently saw a spider’s web that had been covered in early morning dew. What a beautiful and intricately designed tool. Each arm of the web reached out and reached in. From the hub to the farthest extremity, and yet connected by...

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A Call To Prayer

A Call To Prayer

Nestled deep in the warmth of a quiet study on a cold winter morning is a great time to communicate with the Lord Jesus. But even sequestered in the most optimal location, prayer is more than likely a spiritual battle. Author and Pastor, Max Lucado, wrote, "Our...

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